We are thrilled to announce that Macrossan & Amiet has acquired the law practice of Beckey Knight & Elliott, effective 1 July 2024.
Posts by Macrossan & Amiet

Promotion Announcement
Macrossan & Amiet Directors and staff would like to congratulate Dyane Norton on her promotion to Associate.
Welcome Sophie
Macrossan & Amiet welcomes Sophie Ford to the team and congratulates her on her admission as a Solicitor.
Welcome Tylah Joy
Macrossan & Amiet directors and staff would like to welcome and introduce newly admitted solicitor, Tylah Joy to the firm.
The road to becoming a Lawyer
TV and movies often depicts the life of a lawyer as something of glamour, however, there is much more to it with the process taking on average 4 to 7 years to complete.
Congratulations Narada!
Narada was admitted into the Supreme Court of Queensland in Brisbane on Monday 11 July 2022.
Congratulations Damon!
Damon was admitted into the Supreme Court of Queensland in Rockhampton on Friday 29 April 2022.
Welcome 2022 Trainee Solicitors
Macrossan & Amiet would like to introduce this years new trainee solicitors.
Welcome Charlotte & Kendell
Macrossan & Amiet welcomes Charlotte Paterson to the firms Family Law team and Kendell Bocos to the Litigation team.
2021 Distribution M&A Charitable Foundation
The Macrossan & Amiet Charitable Foundation recently held its 2021 meeting to determine the years successful recipients.