Road Accident Compensation Lawyers
Personal injuries occur in day-to-day life and can have an immense effect on a person’s life. People who have suffered an injury or trauma as a result of being involved in an accident (either as a driver or passenger) often suffer on-going pain, disability, emotion and/or financial distress as a result of the injury or accident.
When you need a motor vehicle accident lawyer, Macrossan & Amiet Solicitors are here for you. We can offer advice on a wide variety of accident circumstances, as well as complete the necessary paperwork for your compensation claim.
The law of negligence operates to protect people who have suffered an injury and Motor Accident Insurance Act 1994 and Compulsory Third Party (“CTP”) Insurance are there to support those injured as a result of a motor vehicle accident.
Call 07 4944 2000 to book an appointment.
CTP Vehicle Insurance
CTP Insurance is the insurance that forms part of your Vehicle Registration and indemnifies the registered owner/s and driver in the event of an accident. The CTP Insurance covers personal injury claims made against you by other road users such as drivers, passengers, pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists and pillion passengers. CTP Insurance does not include property damage.