Where a judgment is awarded in your favour from either the Queensland Courts or Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal, for a debt owing to you, you may be faced with enforcing this judgment against the debtor to recover payment of the outstanding debt.
Kayven McGrath
Limitation Periods for Property Settlements
turned_in_notKayven McGrath, Limitation Periods for Property Settlements
It can be a stressful time for all involved when a relationship breaks down and knowing what initial steps to take can be overwhelming. The Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) is the relevant legislation that applies to property settlements of marriages and de facto relationships
Law Week Mock Trial
turned_in_notKayven McGrath, moot
It was once again National Law Week from the 14th to 18th May 2012. The Mackay District Law Association (MDLA) organised the annual moot competition where Trainee Solicitors from various firms in Mackay teamed up to compete against each other.…
New Duplex Management Regulations : Specified Two-lot Scheme
turned_in_notKayven McGrath, Regulations
From the 28 February 2012, the management of duplexes is regulated under The Body Corporate and Community Management (Specified Two-lot Schemes Module) Regulation 2011. The purpose of the new module is to make the day-to-day management of duplexes less complex…