It may come to a surprise to many readers that there still remains circumstances where a prior owner of a property can attempt to regain title from the current registered owners, even after a sale is complete.
Artistic impressions or legal misrepresentation?
Real estate agents have been exploiting artistic impressions to sell houses and property for decades and it is critical that the property be not falsely represented with image enhancement.
Are your Smoke Alarms Compliant?
Are you aware of the changes to smoke alarm laws and how they will affect you?
Important changes to the Foreign Resident Capital Gains Withholding Tax Regime
On 9 May 2017, the Government announced changes to the Foreign Resident Capital Gains Withholding (FRCGW) tax threshold and tax rate.
New Capital Gains Tax (CGT) withholding regime from 1 July 2016
From 1 July 2016, purchasers who enter into a Contract for the sale of an interest in Australian land with a market value of $2 million or more will be required to withhold and pay 10% of the purchase price to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) on account of the seller’s potential CGT liability unless the seller obtains a clearance certificate from the ATO and provides it to the purchaser on or before settlement.
The Walking Backwards Case
On 12 April 2013 judgment was given in an action which was affectionately referred to in our office as the “Walking Backwards Case”.
Buying or Selling a Cane Farm – what is involved
Buying or selling a cane farm can often be a difficult process for both parties involved. The timing of the purchase or sale when considering the cane crushing season is crucial.