I was recently at my grandfather’s house when he had a thought (as he does) that he contributed once upon a time (when I was a twinkle in my mother’s eye no doubt) to superannuation for himself and my late grandmother.
I dismissed it as nonsense as Pop never had an inkling to financially contribute to anything unless it was required by law (we used to have money buried under the strawberry patch which in hindsight, made the strawberries taste even sweeter).
However my curiosity (and guilt) got the better of me so I went home and logged on to the Australian Tax Office website (www.ato.gov.au) and by following the links, and providing a few basic details, I discovered that Pop’s flashback was not nonsense, and in fact there was some ‘lost super’ recorded under his name.
Feeling on a roll, I entered my own details and lo and behold, there was unclaimed super from a job I had briefly while at university!
I have since filled out the claim forms and rollover forms required to combine my super and for a refund of Pop’s, and the cheque is in the mail.
I encourage everyone, for the sake of a couple of minutes, to jump online and plug in your details. You never know what you might find!
Until next month,