If your Queensland driver licence is disqualified for drink driving, the disqualification does not automatically extend to your marine licence, however, the rules are not same if reversed.
Driving Offences
Drink and Drug Driving Laws
turned_in_notCriminal Law, Drink Driving, Driving Offences, Driving under the influence, Drug Driving
On 20 May 2019, the New South Wales Government introduced harsher penalties for drink and drug drivers.
New Careless Driving Offences
turned_in_notCareless Driving, Criminal Law, Dangerous Driving, Death, Driving Offences, Serious Injury
Following Coronial recommendations and lobbying from victims families, Queensland has passed laws creating new offences for careless driving which results in death or serious injury.
Accumulation of Licence Demerit Points
Under the Transport Operations (Road Use Management – Driver Licensing) Regulation 1999 a person’s Open driver’s licence is not automatically cancelled if they accumulate 12 or more demerit points in a 3 year period. The person will instead be issued…