How Often Should I Review My Will?

Stuart Naylor

Clients often ask how often they should review their Wills. The answer is that you should review your Will every time there is a major change in your life or circumstances.  A properly drafted Will deals with your situation at the time the Will is made and will need to be reviewed in the event of any major change.

Obvious examples include:-

  • When you get married;
  • When you separate or divorce;
  • When you have children;
  • When your children turn 18;
  • When an executor or beneficiary named in your Will dies;
  • If there is a significant increase in your assets;
  • If you dispose of an asset that has been the subject of a specific gift in your Will.

Often reviewing your Will is not something you remember to do.  For that reason, and because it is a good habit, we recommend that clients review their Wills every 2 to 3 years.  Reviewing your Will does not necessarily mean changing it, or making a new Will.  It is a matter of refreshing your memory about what your Will says and making sure that it remains adequate for your current needs.

By regular review of your Will, you can ensure that if your circumstances have changed your Will can be updated to reflect your current wishes.

During October and November 2015 Macrossan & Amiet are offering a review of your Will for a fixed fee of $100.00 (single) or $150.00 (couple).

The review includes:-

  • Review of your existing Will (whether drafted by us or elsewhere);
  • A consultation (in person or by phone) to discuss the content of your existing Will and current circumstances to see if any amendments to your Will are necessary.

The fixed fee quoted above does not include cost of preparation of a new Will which can be separately quoted if it is required depending on your precise needs.

If you would like to review your Will, please contact any of the Solicitors at Macrossan & Amiet.




turned_in_notEstate Planning, Estates, Wills, Wills and Estates
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