Proudly Supporting the Local Community

The owners of Macrossan & Amiet have always believed in the importance of being involved in the community we live and work in.   Not long after I started at Macrossan & Amiet, the Partners encouraged me to become involved in organisations within the community.  This encouragement of all of our professional staff continues and at the present time all of the Directors and Solicitors at Macrossan & Amiet are involved in a wide variety of community organisations.

In my case, I have served on the Management Committee of a number of “not for profit” organisations.  The first were Pioneer Employment Service (for 10 years until the organisation merged with Comsol) and Tri Q (for the last 15 years and ongoing).  Both of those organisations have, as their core purpose, the aim of providing employment opportunities for those under a disadvantage.   Over the years Tri Q has operated a number of businesses.  These included, for many years until it lost the Mackay Regional Council contract, the Resource Recovery Facilities first at Bayersville and then later at Paget.  Despite many challenges arising from the local economic conditions, Tri Q continues to successfully operate a cleaning business, Reef Cleaning.

I have also been involved with Glenella State School P & C for a number of years including in the role of President for the last 5 years.  More recently, I have taken up the position as Secretary of Macrossan & Amiet Charitable Foundation and also accepted a Board position on Casey Avenue Stadium Ltd, a “not for profit” company formed by the Mackay Regional Council to manage the Mackay Stadium.

Over the coming months we intend to feature some updates profiling our Solicitors and their involvement in the community.  We believe that involvement in the community is vital and are delighted that we have the opportunity to give back to the community that supports our business.


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