Many general insurance policies for business interruption will have an exclusion for claims caused by a pandemic, however, do not assume that any business interruption policy you have contains that exclusion or even if it does, you may still have a valid claim.
Darren Sekac
Supreme Court Decision – Binding Death Benefit Nomination and Enduring Powers of Attorney
Self Managed Super Funds, Binding Death Benefit Nominations, Enduring Powers of Attorney and your Will.
Tape-Recorded message held to be a valid Will
In a recent Supreme Court decision, a tape-recorded message has been found to be a valid Will.
Work Health & Safety – Heavy Fines
Earlier this month, in the Cairns District Court, an employer and plant owner/supplier received heavy fines and convictions for failing to ensure the health and safety of its workers.
DIY Will Kit proves Unnecessarily Expensive
Do you have a properly drafted Will? In a recent District Court case, Floyd v Floyd & ORS, Judge Andrews had to interpret a number of ambiguous clauses in a DIY Will Kit which had been completed by the deceased.
Mackay Ring Road Land is now “Taken”.
The Department of Transport and Main Roads have now resumed the land by publishing the relevant Taking of Land Notice in the Queensland Government Gazette on 12 August 2016 with respect to the Mackay Ring Road. Notices of Intention to Resume land required for the Mackay Ring Road were issued to owners in September 2015. If your land (or a part of it) was taken on that date you no longer own the resumed land.
Catastrophic Injury Compensation Laws for Queensland
Prior to 1 July 2016, if a person suffered a serious personal injury in a motor vehicle accident and they were the at fault driver, they faced the prospect of receiving no compensation at all. With the introduction of the National Injury Insurance Scheme, at fault drivers who suffer a serious personal injury will at least have the ability to rely on the Scheme.
$17M in Trust with a Costly Time Clock Ticking!
Justice McMurdo in the Supreme Court of Queensland has given an interesting decision relating to Trust Law in the matter of the Arthur Brady Family Trust and Trekmore Trading Trust.
Beware of Delaying Commencing Family Law Property Settlement Proceedings After Separation!
The Supreme Court of Queensland delivered a judgment on 8 October 2015 which tragically demonstrates the risk of receiving nothing in a property settlement after separating and ending a long term marriage/defacto relationship.
$9 Million Estate – But no Will
On 30 October 2015 Justice McMeekin in the Supreme Court at Rockhampton approved the creation of a Will for a 30 year old man who was involved in a near-fatal motor vehicle accident in 2005, when he was aged 20.