Minimum Wage Increase from 1 July 2019

The Fair Work Commission has issued their Annual Wage Review and there will be an increase to the national minimum wage and the modern award minimum wages.  The increase will apply from the first full pay period on or after 1 July 2019 and will see both the national minimum wage and the modern award minimum wages increase by 3%.

It is estimated that 21% of Australians will be affected by the rise.

The increase to the modern award minimum wages will have a flow on effect to loadings, penalties, allowance and overtime payments under the modern awards if they are calculated with reference to the modern award minimum wages.

All employers should now review their employment arrangements to ensure that all employees are paid in accordance with these increases.

Do you need help in ensuring that you are complying with the minimum standards or to make sure that your employment contracts are otherwise compliant?  Do not hesitate to contact our office to discuss.


turned_in_notEmployee, Employer, Employment Law, Fair Work Commission
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