The Fair Work Commission has issued their Annual Wage Review which will apply from the first full pay period on or after 1 July 2019 and will see both the national minimum wage and the modern award minimum wages increase by 3%.
Fair Work Commission
Domestic Violence Leave
From 1 August 2018 employees may now be entitled to take unpaid leave to deal with family and domestic violence following a decision by the Fair Work Commission.
Watch this space: casual employees right to convert to permanent employment
turned_in_notCasual employees, Employees, Employers, Employment Law, Fair Work Commission, Important Information for Employers
During the most recent review of the Modern Awards by the Fair Work Commission, they have decided that the Modern Awards should contain a provision that allows casual employees to elect to convert to either full-time employment or part-time employment, once they have met certain criteria.
July is coming – Sunday Penalty Rate Changes!
On 23 February 2017, Fair Work Commission handed down a decision to vary penalty rates for some awards. These changes will come into effect from 1 July 2017.