Prior to the September 2013 election, the Coalition released their Paid Parental Leave Policy (“the Policy”) which aims to “give mothers six months leave based on their actual wage”.
Aimee Gladman
The National Employment Standards
The National Employment Standards (“NES”) cover everyone in the national workplace system. Because this covers most employees in businesses in Australia, it doesn’t matter what State you work in, you will have the same rights and obligations.
Sexting: Do your children know the consequences?
Sexting is the colloquial term used when sending sexual pictures via text message or uploading onto the internet.
Redundancy: The Facts
The National Employment Standards (NES) cover everyone in the national workplace relations system, which in Queensland includes those employed by a company, sole-trader, partnership, or other unincorporated and non-trading corporations.
Speed Alert: 1km Over – You can be Fined
On 18 June 2013, the Queensland Police Commissioner Ian Stewart announced that the Queensland Police will be cracking down on speed tolerances to motorists exceeding the speed limit.
Debt Collection
Debt Collection. It’s a term business owners sometimes dread thinking about. It can seem complex, difficult and time consuming. But it doesn’t have to be. We’ve put together a list of tips to ensure you have good debt recovery strategies in place to recover the money you’ve worked hard for.