Posts by Aimee Gladman

Redundancy: The Facts

turned_in_notAimee Gladman, Redundancy

The National Employment Standards (NES) cover everyone in the national workplace relations system, which in Queensland includes those employed by a company, sole-trader, partnership, or other unincorporated and non-trading corporations.

Buying off-the-plan


Buying off-the-plan is a reality for many people looking to purchase units or apartments. This basically means that you are buying a unit or apartment in a building that hasn’t yet been constructed.

Debt Collection

turned_in_notAimee Gladman, Debt Collection

Debt Collection. It’s a term business owners sometimes dread thinking about. It can seem complex, difficult and time consuming. But it doesn’t have to be. We’ve put together a list of tips to ensure you have good debt recovery strategies in place to recover the money you’ve worked hard for.

Class Actions

turned_in_notConsequences of Sexting
Definition Class Action: Legal proceedings allowing the claims of many individuals against the same defendant, arising out of the same or similar circumstances, to be conducted by a single representative – Butterworths Concise Australian LegalDictionary, 3rd ed. Positives of Class Actions Class actions bring together a group of people…

‘Material Changes’ to Off-the-plan Contracts

turned_in_notAimee Gladman
Queensland Law Community title scheme developments are governed by the Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997 (Qld) (“BCCMA”). The Act purports to “provide an appropriate level of consumer protection for intending buyers of lots included in community title schemes”.…
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