New Trustee to join Macrossan & Amiet Charitable Foundation

Caitlin Roberts

Caitlin Roberts is the newest Trustee to join the Macrossan & Amiet Charitable Foundation.

She grew up in Yeppoon before moving to Brisbane to complete her Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and Bachelor of Business (Accounting) degrees. Caitlin commenced with Macrossan & Amiet in October 2013, was admitted as a Legal Practitioner in the Supreme Court of Queensland in July 2014 and became an Associate Director of the firm in 2017.

Caitlin is the Chairperson of CASA (Community Accommodation Support Association) a not for profit organisation that deals with housing and homelessness in the Mackay region.  Caitlin is also a Director of the Zonta Club of Mackay.  Zonta is a global organisation of professionals empowering women worldwide through service and advocacy.

Caitlin is looking forward to working alongside fellow Trustees Michael and Juanita Wright, Andrew Telford, Clifford Flor, Beryl Neilsen, Darren Sekac, Richard Deguara, Deirdre Comerford and Jeffrey Ruddell, in distributing grant funds to local charities serving the community in our region.


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