Tackling Alcohol-Fuelled Violence Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 was passed earlier this month in the Queensland Parliament.
John Wilson
Vehicle Registration – Drivers Beware!
turned_in_notRegistrations, Vehicle Registration
It is now just over twelve (12) months since when the requirement to display a registration label on motor vehicles less than 4.5 ton was removed.
Your Home is Your Castle: Knowing Your Rights when it comes to Police Raids and Search Warrants
“A man’s home is his castle” is an adage dating back from 1605 in the English common law. Whilst it may sound antiquated, the protection of a person’s dwelling and their right to privacy remains an enforceable right under both the common law and statute law.
More Traffic Offences Attracting Double Demerit Points
Currently in Queensland double demerit points are applied to individuals who repeatedly commit offences relating to seatbelts, motorbike helmets and exceeding the speed limit by more than 20km per hour.
A guide to understanding bail applications
turned_in_notBail Applications, Criminal Law
The issue of bail can be a complex one, and can arise in a number of ways depending upon the circumstances.
Continuing Modernisation of the Criminal Justice System
turned_in_notCriminal Law, Justice System
Last year the Queensland Government drafted and approved numerous amendments to criminal legislation for our State. The higher profile changes were well publicised in the media. However, there were a significant amount of amendments that were not so well broadcast. One such amendment was the introduction of a system whereby defendants are…
Drink Driving Charges and Your Driving Licence
turned_in_notCriminal Law, Drink Driving
With the festive season upon us, most people drink more alcohol than what we normally would as we attend Christmas functions and socialise with friends and colleagues after working hard all year. Be warned though, the laws in Queensland commonly…
Macrossan & Amiet Welcomes John Wilson
Macrossan & Amiet welcomes John Wilson, Criminal Law Solicitor to the firm. John was a Detective Sergeant with the Queensland Police force for many years, and more recently has completed legal studies where he has specialised in criminal defence work.…