Dispelling the myth! Long term casual employees are entitled to long service leave.
Catherine Webster
Old Interests – New Plans
As a landlord, or a tenant, have you ever wondered how your lease might be affected if a plan was lodged amalgamating the lot containing your leased premises with another lot? In a recent High Court decision, the Court considered and provided some useful commentary on how registration of a plan amalgamating two lots would affect a tenant’s interest in a registered lease
Whitsunday Shopping Centre Fire – Important Tenant Information
This situation can be very distressing to tenants and leave many wondering what their rights are and what they will do following these events.
Land Sales Act – Sales of Land not within a Body Corporate
Are you a Director or Trustee? Do you operate a business? Did you know…
That your attorney cannot use your personal Power of Attorney document to sign documents or make decisions for a company or trust?
Changes in the Building Industry
In November last year, the Government passed the first in what is likely to become a series of legislative reforms affecting the building and construction industry.
Back to Basics – Bodies Corporate
I am often asked by owners of lots in a body corporate or community titles scheme, firstly, whether there really is a body corporate and secondly, if there is one, whether they can get rid of it.
Buying a Property? Ensure You Insure
If you are buying or thinking about buying real property, whether it is residential or commercial, a unit, house or commercial building, insurance should be high on your list of matters to consider before you sign a contract.